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Goat sperm membrane: lectin-binding sites of sperm surface and lectin affinity chromatography of the mature sperm membrane antigens

IR@IICB: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata

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Title Goat sperm membrane: lectin-binding sites of sperm surface and lectin affinity chromatography of the mature sperm membrane antigens
Creator Sarkar, Madhumita
Majumder, Gopal Chandra
Chatterjee, Tapati
Subject Cell Biology & Physiology
Description The cell surface glycoproteins of goat epididymal maturing sperma~r;zoa have been investigated using lectins as surface probes that interact with specific sugars with high a~,aity. Concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA) showed high affinity for mature cauda epidi~ymal sperm ~gg[utination, whereas RCA,, kidney beans lectin and peanut agglutinin caused much lower or little aggluth,~fion of the cells. The mature sperm exhibited markedly higher efficacy than the immature caput epididymal sperm fo)r binding both ConA and WGA, as evidenced by sperm agglutination and the binding of the fluorescence isothiocyanate (FITC)-Iabeiled lecfins. FITC-ConA binds uniformly to the entire mature sperm surface whereas FITC.WGA binds to the acrosemai cap region of the head. The FITC-RCA 2 mainly labelled the posterior head of mature cauda sperm. However. no WGA-speciflc glycoprotein receptors could be detected in sperm plasma membrane (PM) by WGA-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The data implied that the epididymal sperm maturation is associated with a marked increase in the ConA/WGA receptors and that WGA receptors may be glycolipids rather than glyco~r~teins. Analysis of the ConA receptors of cauda sperm PM identified by ConA-S:pbarose affinity chromatography and subsequent resolution in SDS-PAGE demonstrated the presence of five glycopolypeptides of different concentrations (98, 96, 43, 27 and 17 kDa) of goat sperm membrane. The immunobbt of these ConA-specific glycopeptides with anti-sperm membrane antiserum showed that 98- and 96-kDa receptors are immunor~spo~sive.
Publisher Elsevier
Date 1991
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://www.eprints.iicb.res.in/2285/1/BIOCHIMICA_ET_BIOPHYSICA_ACTA__V._1070___(_1_)_198%2D204;1991.pdf
Sarkar, Madhumita and Majumder, Gopal Chandra and Chatterjee, Tapati (1991) Goat sperm membrane: lectin-binding sites of sperm surface and lectin affinity chromatography of the mature sperm membrane antigens. BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1070 (1). pp. 198-204.
Relation http://www.eprints.iicb.res.in/2285/