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Transient overexpression ofWerner protein rescues starvation induced autophagy inWerner syndrome cells

IR@IICB: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata

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Title Transient overexpression ofWerner protein rescues starvation induced autophagy inWerner syndrome cells
Creator Maity, Jyotirindra
Bohr, Vilhelm A
Laskar, Aparna
Karmakar, Parimal
Subject Drug Development/Diagnostics & Biotechnology
Description Reduced autophagy may be associated with normal and pathological aging. Here we report a link between autophagy and Werner protein (WRNp), mutated in Werner syndrome, the human premature aging Werner syndrome (WS).WRNmutant fibroblast AG11395 and AG05229 respondweakly to starvation induced autophagy compared to normal cells. While the fusion of phagosomes with lysosome is normal, WS cells contain fewer autophagy vacuoles. Cellular starvation autophagy in WS cells is restored after transfection with full length WRN. Further, siRNA mediated silencing of WRN in the normal fibroblast cell line WI-38 results in decreased autophagy and altered expression of autophagy related proteins. Thus, our observations suggest that WRN may have a role in controlling autophagy and hereby cellular maintenance.
Publisher Elsevier
Date 2014
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://www.eprints.iicb.res.in/2401/1/Biochimica_et_Biophysica_Acta_1842_(2014)_2387%E2%80%932394.pdf
Maity, Jyotirindra and Bohr, Vilhelm A and Laskar, Aparna and Karmakar, Parimal (2014) Transient overexpression ofWerner protein rescues starvation induced autophagy inWerner syndrome cells. BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1842. pp. 2387-2394.
Relation http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbadis.2014.09.007