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Leader follower formation control of ground vehicles using dynamic pixel count and inverse perspective mapping

IR@NAL: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore

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Title Leader follower formation control of ground vehicles using dynamic pixel count and inverse perspective mapping
Creator Vaitheeswaran, SM
Bharath, MK
Prasad, Ashish
Gokul, M
Subject Aircraft Communication & Navigation
Description This paper deals with leader-follower formations of non-holonomic mobile robots, introducing a formation control strategy based on pixel counts using a commercial grade electro optics camera. Localization of the leader for motions along line of sight as well as the obliquely inclined directions are considered based on pixel variation of the images by referencing to two arbitrarily designated positions in the image frames. Based on an established relationship between the displacement of the camera movement along the viewing direction and the difference in pixel counts between reference points in the images, the range and the angle estimate between the follower camera and the leader is calculated. The Inverse Perspective Transform is used to account for non linear relationship between the height of vehicle in a forward facing image and its distance from the camera. The formulation is validated with experiments.
Publisher IJMR
Date 2014-10
Type Journal Article
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://nal-ir.nal.res.in/12265/1/ja561.pdf
Vaitheeswaran, SM and Bharath, MK and Prasad, Ashish and Gokul, M (2014) Leader follower formation control of ground vehicles using dynamic pixel count and inverse perspective mapping. International Journal of Multimedia and its Applications, 6 (5). pp. 1-11.
Relation http://dx.doi.org/10.5121/ijma.2014.6501