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Factor’s Deciding Scientists’ Choice for Publishing Papers in E-Journals: A Research Study of Aerospace Scientists and Engineers of Bangalore

IR@NAL: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore

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Title Factor’s Deciding Scientists’ Choice for Publishing Papers in E-Journals: A Research Study of Aerospace Scientists and Engineers of Bangalore
Creator Guruprasad, R
Marimuthu, P
Subject Aeronautics (General)
Statistics and Probability
Documentation and Information Science
Description Publications are the conduit or channel through which scientists communicate their findings with the rest of the world. Most importantly, the process of publication gives the scientist feedback on his or her work. The process of publishing a scientific paper constitutes a long process. Importantly, publications are vital to a scientist's career for two important reasons, firstly, when Universities or R&D Organizations are looking for new Scientists or Professors, they base their decision on the amount of important papers that he or she have published; and, secondly, research costs money, and the funding agencies or scientific organizations who give a scientist the money to do his or her research work greatly rely on their publications as a measure of how much they have accomplished with the money they've been given. It is also seen that, Publication is vital to science as a whole. One of the corner-stone of the scientific process itself is the free exchange of information. As long as everyone publishes their results, Science progresses forward: if someone publishes a new finding, other scientists can use that information to expand their own work and build upon the new findings, rather than every scientist having to do every experiment independently. Similarly, publication is essential for each scientist, because the review process gives the researcher a broader view of the work, and often suggests fruitful paths that the scientist may not have otherwise taken. Taking this publications process in its entire gamut, there are many factors that play an important role in a Scientists’ or an Engineer’s choice in publishing papers in journals.
Publisher International Journals of Multidimensional Research (IJMR)
Date 2015-03
Type Journal Article
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://nal-ir.nal.res.in/12282/1/Factors%2Ddeciding%2Dscs%2Dchoice%2Dpublishing%2DpapersIJITE6March2554%2Dsecured.pdf
Guruprasad, R and Marimuthu, P (2015) Factor’s Deciding Scientists’ Choice for Publishing Papers in E-Journals: A Research Study of Aerospace Scientists and Engineers of Bangalore. International Journal in IT and Engineering, 3 (3). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2321-1776
Relation http://ijmr.net.in