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Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra: a surrogate for the expression of conserved, multimeric proteins of M.tb H37Rv.

IR@IMTECH: CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh

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Title Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra: a surrogate for the expression of conserved, multimeric proteins of M.tb H37Rv.
Creator Boradia, Vishant Mahendra
Patil, Pravinkumar
Agnihotri, Anushri
Kumar, Ajay
Rajwadi, Kalpesh Kumar
Sahu, Ankit
Bhagath, Naveen
Sheokand, Navdeep
Kumar, Manoj
Malhotra, Himanshu
Patkar, Rachita
Hasan, Navi
Raje, Manoj
Raje, Chaaya Iyengar
Subject QR Microbiology
Description Obtaining sufficient quantities of recombinant M.tb proteins using traditional approaches is often unsuccessful. Several enzymes of the glycolytic cycle are known to be multifunctional, however relatively few enzymes from M.tb H37Rv have been characterized in the context of their enzymatic and pleiotropic roles. One of the primary reasons is the difficulty in obtaining sufficient amounts of functionally active protein.
Publisher BioMed Central
Date 2016
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://crdd.osdd.net/open/1856/1/11.pdf
Boradia, Vishant Mahendra and Patil, Pravinkumar and Agnihotri, Anushri and Kumar, Ajay and Rajwadi, Kalpesh Kumar and Sahu, Ankit and Bhagath, Naveen and Sheokand, Navdeep and Kumar, Manoj and Malhotra, Himanshu and Patkar, Rachita and Hasan, Navi and Raje, Manoj and Raje, Chaaya Iyengar (2016) Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra: a surrogate for the expression of conserved, multimeric proteins of M.tb H37Rv. Microbial cell factories, 15 (1). p. 140. ISSN 1475-2859
Relation http://microbialcellfactories.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12934-016-0537-0