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The impact of bending stress on magnetic properties of finemet type microwires and ribbons

IR@NML: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur

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Title The impact of bending stress on magnetic properties of finemet type microwires and ribbons
Creator Shuvaeva, E
Kaloshkin, S
Churyukanovaa, Margarita
Perminov, A
Khriplivets, I
Mitra, A
Panda, A K
Roy, Rajat K
Murugaiyan, Premkumar
Zhukova, V
Zhukov, A
Subject Materials Science
Description In our research we studied the influence of bending on the total magnetic losses, the coercivity of minor hysteresis loops and the virgin magnetization curves of amorphous ribbons and microwires prepared from Finemet-type alloy wound on a mandrel of different diameters. The impact of various factors contributing on static and dynamic magnetic properties through bending stress are discussed. The factors pertain to contribution of the magnetoelastic anisotropy, the onset of the strain-induced magnetization, the changes of domain structure and the mobility of domain walls. The major contribution of hysteresis losses as-compared to the eddy-current losses have been observed on changing the mandrel diameter in wound ribbons and wires. The total specific losses of the Finemet-type ribbons are lower than that of microwires at the frequencies ranging from 50 to 400 Hz. Observed difference in the magnetic properties is attributed to different magnetization processes of amorphous microwires and ribbons. A different geometry and magnetoelastic anisotropy of studied materials are most likely to influence the formation of different domain structures.
Publisher Elsevier
Date 2018
Type Article
Relation http://eprints.nmlindia.org/7796
Identifier Shuvaeva, E and Kaloshkin, S and Churyukanovaa, Margarita and Perminov, A and Khriplivets, I and Mitra, A and Panda, A K and Roy, Rajat K and Murugaiyan, Premkumar and Zhukova, V and Zhukov, A (2018) The impact of bending stress on magnetic properties of finemet type microwires and ribbons. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 743 (IF-3.133). pp. 388-393.