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Tritirachium candoliense sp. nov., a novel basidiomycetous fungus isolated from the anoxic zone of the Arabian Sea

IR@NIO: CSIR-National Institute Of Oceanography, Goa

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Creator Manohar, C.S.
Boekhout, T.
Muller, W.H.
Stoeck, T.
Date 2014-03-05T10:46:01Z
Identifier Fungal Biology, vol.118(2); 2014; 139-149
Description A fungal culture (FCAS11) was isolated from coastal sediments of the Arabian Sea during the anoxic season. Multigene phylogenetic analyses confidentially place the organism as a novel species within the recently defined class Tritirachiomycetes, subphylum Pucciniomycotina, phylum Basidiomycota. We named the new species Tritirachium candoliense and provide the first description of a member of this class from a marine environment. DNA sequences and morphological characters distinguish T. candoliense from previously described Tritirachium species. Its growth characteristics, morphology, and ultrastructural features showed that under anoxic conditions the species grows slowly and produces mainly hyphae with only few blastoconidia. Electron microscopy revealed differences when the culture was exposed to anoxic stress. Notable ultrastructural changes occur for example in mitochondrial cristae, irregularly shaped fat globules and the presence of intracellular membrane invaginations. We assume that the growth characteristics and substrate utilization patterns are an adaptation to its source location, the seasonally anoxic environment of the Arabian Sea.
Language en
Publisher Elsevier
Relation Fungal_Biol_118_139.jpg
Rights An edited version of this paper was published by Elsevier. Copyright [2013] Elsevier
Subject Phylogeny
Marine organisms
Title Tritirachium candoliense sp. nov., a novel basidiomycetous fungus isolated from the anoxic zone of the Arabian Sea
Type Journal Article