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2-Deoxy-D-glucose reverses the Indian red scorpion venom-induced cardiopulmonary abnormalities in anesthetized rats


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Creator Choudhry, P K
Pandey, R
Deshpande, S B
Date 2010-12-27T04:31:26Z
Identifier 0975-1009 (Online); 0019-5189 (Print)
Description 16-23
Role of 2-Deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) in reversing the Indian red scorpion (<i style="">Mesobuthus tamulus concanesis </i>Pocock, MBT) venom-induced toxicity was examined. Femoral arterial pressure, ECG and respiratory movements were recorded in urethane anesthetized rats. Plasma glucose and serum insulin levels were also estimated. Intravenous injection of 5 mg/kg MBT venom produced immediate decrease in mean arterial pressure, heart rate and respiratory frequency &nbsp;followed by an increase and subsequent progressive decrease. ECG pattern exhibited ischaemic changes. There was hyperinsulinemia after venom without corresponding decrease in plasma glucose. The animals died within 37±9 min and demonstrated significant increase in pulmonary water content. 2-DG pretreatment (0.5 g/kg, iv) improved the cardiopulmonary abnormalities induced by venom and the animals survived for nearly 120 min. There was no hyperinsulinemia and increased pulmonary water content in these animals. In insulin (2 IU/kg) treated rats, the MBT venom-induced cardiopulmonary abnormalities were attenuated and ECG abnormalities were reversed. The pulmonary water content in these animals exhibited a decreasing trend and the<b> </b>animals survived for 120 min. Repaglinide (10 mg/kg, iv) pretreatment failed to reverse the venom-induced cardiopulmonary changes including the increased pulmonary water content. The survival time was similar to venom only group. The present results reveal that 2-DG reverses the venom-induced cardiopulmonary toxicity probably by restoring insulin sensitivity.
Language en_US
Publisher NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Rights <img src='http://nopr.niscair.res.in/image/cc-license-sml.png'> <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/in' target='_blank'>CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India</a>
Source IJEB Vol.49(01) [January 2011]
Subject Insulin
Insulin sensitivity
<i>Mesobuthus tamulus</i> venom
Pulmonary edema
Title 2-Deoxy-D-glucose reverses the Indian red scorpion venom-induced cardiopulmonary abnormalities in anesthetized rats
Type Article