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Monsoon forecasting on parallel computers

IR@NAL: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore

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Title Monsoon forecasting on parallel computers
Creator Sinha, UN
Subject Meteorology and Climatology
Description The Global Circulation Model T-80 of the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting which is currently running on their Cray XMP/216, has been parallelized on the Flosolver Mk3. Post-processing has also been completed and a one-day forecast takes approximately an hour and a half on the 4-processor Flosolver Mk3 whereas the 2-processor Cray machine takes about 15 minutes. By increasing the number of processors, rewriting the code for the 1860 processor and making some minor modification in the CPU card, it shall be possible to significantly improve the time taken for weather forecasting. -from Authors
Date 1994
Type Journal Article
Identifier Sinha, UN (1994) Monsoon forecasting on parallel computers. Current Science, 67 (3). pp. 178-184.
Relation http://nal-ir.nal.res.in/325/