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Automatic Target Recognition using Invariant Target Features and Statistical Classifier

IR@NAL: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore

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Title Automatic Target Recognition using Invariant Target Features and Statistical Classifier
Creator Nitin, V Kamath
Sudesh, K Kashyap
Shantha Kumar, N
Subject Engineering (General)
Description Automatic Target Recognition refers to the autonomous or aided target detection and identification by processing of information extracted from the various sensors. In this paper a novel concept is proposed to detect multiple targets and perform pre-classification to categorize the targets based on their aspect ratio. Features are computed using Zernike moments to yield target feature set which are invariant to shift, size and orientation. A novel approach for classification of the target features by Weighted Minimum Mean Distance is also introduced to reduce the false classifications. The proposed approach has been successfully verified on various target images
Type Conference or Workshop Item
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://nal-ir.nal.res.in/9180/1/ICISET%2D2011.pdf
Nitin, V Kamath and Sudesh, K Kashyap and Shantha Kumar, N Automatic Target Recognition using Invariant Target Features and Statistical Classifier. In: International conference on innovative science and engineering technology, 8-9 April 2011, VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
Relation http://nal-ir.nal.res.in/9180/