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Distribution of pathogenic factors in <i style="">Staphylococcus aureus </i>strains isolated from intra-mammary infections in cattle and buffaloes


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Creator Singh, R S
Kumar, Ravinder
Yadav, B R
Date 2011-10-31T10:32:19Z
Identifier 0975-0967 (Online); 0972-5849 (Print)
Description 410-416
<i style="">Staphylococcus aureus</i> has been reported as a major pathogen in dairy animals. The pathogenic potential of <i style="">S. aureus</i> isolates is attributed to a combination of extracellular factors and invasive properties that are controlled at the genomic level. In order to elucidate patterns of pathogenic genes, 346 isolates of <i style="">S. aureus </i>were recovered from Sahiwal, Karan Fries (cattles) and Murrah (buffalo) suffering from intra-mammary infection. The distribution of pathogenic genetic-determinants of isolates was evaluated using the PCR assays. All the isolates showed variations and variable number of repeats (3-12) in <i style="">Spa</i> gene. The number of repeats was the highest in Sahiwal isolates, followed by Karan Fries and Murrah. All the tested isolates were positive for genetic determinants of <i style="">Spa, Ebp</i>, <i style="">Eno</i> and <i style="">Fnb</i>A. The prevalence of other pathogenic genes, namely, <i>Fib</i>, <i>Fnb</i>B, <i>Bbp</i> and <i style="">Map</i> was more in isolates from Sahiwal as compared to isolates from Karan Fries and Murrah. A significant number of isolates (82%) showed presence of capsular gene subtypes (5 &amp; 8). The toxin genes, namely, <i style="">Sec</i>, <i style="">See</i>, <i style="">Seg</i> and <i style="">Sei</i> were common in all the breeds; however, their proportion was less. <i style="">Seb</i> and <i style="">Sed</i> were present in only cattle originated isolates of <i style="">S. aureus</i>. Isolates of both cattle breeds (Sahiwal and Karan Fries) showed similar patterns of pathogenic factors that could be due to commonness or dissemination of strains among these animals. Conversely, variations in expression of pathogenicity factors in isolates of cattle and buffaloes were observed. Overall, the isolates from Murrah were less virulent and consisted of less proportion of pathogenic factors. However, the comparative observation suggested that a limited number of pathogenic factors of <i style="">S. aureus</i> seemed to be crucial in mastitis in various animals.
Language en_US
Publisher NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Rights <img src='http://nopr.niscair.res.in/image/cc-license-sml.png'> <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/in' target='_blank'>CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India</a>
Source IJBT Vol.10(4) [October 2011]
Subject Buffalo
<i style="">Staphylococcus aureus</i>
Pathogenic factors
Title Distribution of pathogenic factors in <i style="">Staphylococcus aureus </i>strains isolated from intra-mammary infections in cattle and buffaloes
Type Article