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Enantioselective Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules using Asymmetric Dihydroxylation, Reduction, Bromination and Oxidations involving C-H and C-N Bonds

Open Access Repository of Indian Theses

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Title Enantioselective Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules using Asymmetric Dihydroxylation, Reduction, Bromination and Oxidations involving C-H and C-N Bonds
Subject Chemistry
Date 2002
Type Thesis
Format application/msword
Identifier http://eprints.csirexplorations.com/358/1/Abstract.doc
NIKALJE, MILIND (2002) Enantioselective Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules using Asymmetric Dihydroxylation, Reduction, Bromination and Oxidations involving C-H and C-N Bonds. PhD thesis, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411008.
Relation http://eprints.csirexplorations.com/358/