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Experimental studies on a liquid fuelled medium scaled valved pulsejet

IR@NAL: CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore

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Title Experimental studies on a liquid fuelled medium scaled valved pulsejet
Creator Rajashekar, C
Bhaskaran, M
Srinivas, J
Prateesh Kumar, P
William Grips, VK
Aruna, ST
Venkat Iyengar, S
Subject Aircraft Propulsion and Power
Description A pulsejet is a simple propulsive device where the combustion occurs in pulses and the propulsive effort is achieved from the reaction to the rearward flow of hot gases. Pulsejets offer a compelling alternative for small scale propulsion requirements. In this work a valved pulsejet configuration popularly known as dynajet was investigated using different fuels and thermal barrier coatings for the valves to assess its performance and improve its durability. Successful sustained pulsations were obtained with three liquid fuels namely petrol, methanol and a mixture of methanol and nitro methane. The effort included measurement of thrust, fuel consumption and temperature. The effect of using a zirconia based thermal barrier coatings on the valves to improve the valve life was also investigated. It was observed that among the fuels investigated petrol gave the best specific impulse and further the thermal barrier coatings had a negligible impact on extending the valve life.
Type Conference or Workshop Item
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://nal-ir.nal.res.in/10354/1/2%2D003%2DNAL%2Dpulsejet_NCICEC2011.pdf
Rajashekar, C and Bhaskaran, M and Srinivas, J and Prateesh Kumar, P and William Grips, VK and Aruna, ST and Venkat Iyengar, S Experimental studies on a liquid fuelled medium scaled valved pulsejet. In: 22 nd National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, 10 - 13 December 2011, NIT Calicut.
Relation http://nal-ir.nal.res.in/10354/